Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Metro week 1, 0-1

Hey Guys and gals,

Great effort out there tonight. I thought we played really well, we were moving the ball really well and playing like a team. I thought, having two players who never played before come out and give it a go, we played great.

Big ups to nick for bringing his brother and helping out our cause. There are a few things i'd like to get better at though.

1) The give and go.

Talking is a big part of this, but it's just like the line drill in training. When you give the ball off to someone who is looking at you, run right into his vision, losing your man and say "AND AGAIN!" so he knows you want the ball back, it worked great on my only goal, where Hanga and I were on the same page.

2) A lead.

That is when a forward is found by the back and is going to make an effort to get a ball, in this attemept he runs back to the ball, trying to get it. Something i really goofed up by letting tyler steal the ball from me in the late minutes.

I like our team, we are going to win games, we swept the preseason, we just need to work together!

We have cu chulainn next week and they looked good. Let's get some email strategy going this week and give them a good game next week.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

February Football

Hey everyone!!!

Just a reminder, if you did not get my email, we will have two great opportunities to do some gaelic football at soccerblast. We are meeting February 11th and 25th both times will be at 10PM.

Let's make a great showing and start some smack talking. This should be a fun season.

Peace, Out.
Capt. Tesar

Monday, January 19, 2009

January 19th - Test


This is a test for the Shamrock Shakes GFC. I hope you leave a note to let me know you saw this posting.

Your fearless leader,

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Welcome to the best metro team in the land.

The shamrock shakes...

More details to come!